Lysa Ratliff

Lysa M. Ratliff has more than 23 years of experience in resource development, communications and marketing. Lysa moved to Washington D.C. in 2014 to join the US Programs team at Save the Children. In 2015 Lysa joined KaBOOM! as the Vice President of Partnership Development. From 2001 through 2014, Lysa worked with Habitat for Humanity International in Georgia. She launched Habitat’s cause marketing platform and led several teams in both resource development and communications. Prior to her work at KaBOOM!, Habitat and Save the Children, Lysa held positions of influence in Corporate Communications, Sales and Public Relations at MCI WorldCom (formerly UUNET) in Cambridge, England; United Parcel Service (UPS), Bury St. Edmunds, England; and Ryder Dedicated Logistics, Henderson, Nevada. She received her undergraduate degree in communications from the University of Maryland, European Division and a master’s degree in international management from the University of Maryland.
Committees: Development
Board Member Since: 2018