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Meet Stacy

Stacy is a mother to three sons and guardian to her teenage niece. She was renting a house that was unaffordable, in need of repairs, and did not accommodate her son Quamir, who is disabled and uses a wheelchair. Among many barriers, the house didn’t have a ramp – forcing the family to carry Quamir up and down the front steps.

When Stacy was asked what excites her most about becoming a homeowner, she said, “It will belong to our family. Any adjustments to accommodate [Quamir] will be permanent, and we won’t have to dismantle or take it down,”

Knowing she needed a home that was more accessible for her family, she started the journey to find a sustainable place to call home. She was approved in October 2022 to buy her first home, a 4-bedroom, 2-bath single-family home in Virginia.

In December 2023, she purchased her home with her son Khalil and moved in. Her home had additional accessible features like wider doorways, a bathroom with additional safety measures such as a removable showerhead and a built-in ramp to enter the home. The home also features energy-efficient appliances and solar panels to help reduce costs and environmental impact.

Hear directly from Stacy about her experience of becoming a Habitat homeowner:

View the entire Groveton Home Dedication